If You're Selling Your Home, Don't Let This Happen
When selling a home, there’s a little (BUT BIG) fee that is often missed by most real estate agents and home sellers called Transfer Tax.
It’s a state tax that must be paid on the sale of real estate. This fee is usually assumed to be paid for by the seller, DOES NOT HAVE TO BE…
This fee is usually around 1% of the selling price and could end up being thousands of dollars that you could be losing…
Example: On a home that sells for $425,000, the transfer tax could cost around $4,000!
Most sellers don't realize this until the day of closing when they review their closing statement.
Don’t let this happen! With our clients, It’s our goal to negotiate that this fee is paid for by the buyer. If not the whole thing, then certainly a portion.
Bottom Line
There’s many other things in addition to what we mentioned in this blog that we’d like to discuss with you to ensure you net the most amount of money possible when you sell your home.
When you’re ready, feel free to contact us to schedule time to set up a no pressure home sale consultation.